Monday, August 14, 2006

$100,000+ Loss on Downtown Condo at Village Walk #406

Here's another large loss on a condo that was purchased in June of 2004.

Village Walk is a nice project located on the main strip in Little Italy.

Type: Listed on MLS(#066035460)

Resale Price: $569,000
Cost: $640,000

Loss@6% Sales Expenses: $105,140
Loss%: 16.43%

Purchase Date: 06/24/2004
Holding Period: 26 months and counting...

Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Square Feet: 1232


Anonymous said...

Ouch, should have just lowered the price a bit and cut the losses to a few thousand...Mr. Brightside, here is another loss...SE corner of Brickelia and Park Village road in Rancho Penasquitos. Sold in June of O5 for $775,000, currently listed for $669,000 to $729,000. Been for sale for more than three months...Looks like another big loss.

Mr. Brightside said...


Thanks for the read on the house in RP. Do you have an MLS number or street address?

Lew Breeze said...

I can help with that:


12495 Brickellia St
San Diego, CA 92129